Straight white American Jesus

Genesis 1:1
straight white American jesus

bradley onishi & daniel miller


what does it mean to sin and who is a sinner? this 5-day devotional will look at the way 5 different authors use the word (“sin”) to convey subversion. identity, liberation, justice and equality


Number of Episodes

Weekly roundup : through the gate of hell

Oct 9, 2023

it’s in the code ep.69: “god-fearing”

Oct 9, 2023

fascism is our new normal

Oct 9, 2023

weekly roundup: all their faith in one

Oct 9, 2023

it’s in the code ep. 68: “speaking truth in love”

Oct 9, 2023

what is Christian nationalism? (American idols ep.1)

Oct 9, 2023

weekly roundup Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice

Oct 9, 2023

it’s in the code ep. 66: let go, and let god

Oct 9, 2023

it’s in the code ep. 68: “speaking truth in love”

Oct 9, 2023

it’s in the code ep. 68: “speaking truth in love”

Oct 9, 2023

it’s in the code ep. 68: “speaking truth in love”

Oct 9, 2023

wit’s in the code ep. 68: “speaking truth in love”

Oct 9, 2023