This two-day devotional looks at the story of the hemorrhaging woman as an encouragement for those who work toward their own equality, care, and dignity.
The Rev. Claire Brown is a minister, writer, theologian, and mama living in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Claire is a transitional deacon in the Episcopal Church, serving as curate at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Chattanooga. She is an alumnus of Vanderbilt Divinity School, a graduate of the Shalem Institute's Transforming Community program, and has studied at Hartford Seminary and the School of Theology at Sewanee. In addition to writing blog posts, sermons, and academic work in ritual and pastoral theology, Claire is the author of Deep Blue Life, a children's spirituality curriculum. She is an experienced facilitator of groups and retreats, from online book clubs and support groups to leading and mediating groups in empathy, storytelling, and spiritually-grounded social consciousness raising. Claire is also a creator of spiritual formation practices, including her work as co-curator of the Keep Watch With Me Advent and Lenten reader series.